Arthur Counter Battery Radar


Arthur(ARTillery HUnting Radar) is a lightweight, highly mobile weapon locating system (WLS), tactically deployed close to the forward line of own troops.

Its primary role is to quickly detect and track artillery projectils, enabling commanders to efficiently calculate points of origin for counter-battery actions and provide vital intelligence on points of impact.

Arthur was developed by SAAB for Norwegian and Swedish armed force. Now Arthur is currently operational in twelve countries including Republic of Korea Army


TypePassive Phased array
Range60km(Mod C) 100km(Mod D)
Search Sector1600mil(90°)

Operational modes

  • Weapon Locating mode (WL) In WL mode the radar tracks enemy projectile when it is going up, calculate the origin of the fire and impact point. With other detailed information about target, information is displayed to operator.

    Arthur can determine whether the projectile is artillery-type(Gun), rocket-type(Rocket) or mortar-type(Mortar) based on RCS, curve of the trajectory, speed, and its range

  • Fire Control mode (FC)
    In FC mode Arthur calculate expected impact point of the friendly fire. In this mode Arthur tracks going-down projectile.

Arthur-K Radar


Arthur-K is Arthur(Mod C) operated in Korea. Mounted on K-711 cargo truck Arthur-K has high mobility and can be transported using C-130.

Based on Arthur-K Korea developed their own counter battery radar TPQ-74K 천경-II